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March 24



March 26




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April 5



April 6





7th Day
April 13



Chief Rabbi
April 15


April 19


Rosh Kodesh
April 22


" And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with. rigor: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the fields/"
Exodus 1:13-14.

Dr. Beno Rothenberg, director of the Institute of Archaeo-Metallurgy, University College London, has written books including An Archeaological PassoverHaggadah. In an attempt to prove that the Hebrews were enslaved and traveled to Israel as the Bible says, Dr. Rothenberg offers numerous pieces of evidence, such as this wall painting from the tomb of Rekmire 15th Century B.C.E. that purports to show Semitic people at work. Though it  was not his intention, the evidence that he and other scholars present make a compelling case for the existence of a Hebrew presence in Egypt, it also makes a strong prima facie case in favor of the proposition that these Israelites in Africa were also black.

"Three Faces of Moses" by Yiskak Ben Yehudah, 1969

Biblical Man Meets Modern Man: A Story
Rabbi Sholomo Ben Levy

Memorial  Service
Bro Joe Thomas

Sunday May 6th
Beth Shalom
730 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn NY
1:00 PM

The Fishermen of Israel
A sermon in memory of  Bro Thomas


Reserve These  Dates


Israelite Week in Chicago

June 21 through June 24


Beth Shalom Bnai Zaken

Reserve your seat
New York to Chicago
(no deposit needed)




Four Day / Two Nights


(Luxury Bus, Movies, Refreshments)

Marriot Hotel

Complete Package

$$$ 300 $$$

Book your trip now!



Black Jews at the White House

The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief cornerstone. This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:22-23  There was a time when Black Jews were not welcomed in the halls of power.  Those days are gone forever!  Today, Rabbi Shmuel Funnye travels the world meeting heads of state in Israel, Africa, and America.  Most recently he and Miriam went to the Whitehouse to visit his cousin, Michelle, and her husband, Barack, for their Hanukkah Party.  President Obama told the story of Hanukkah himself and explained to the assembled guests how much this celebration of freedom means to him. Rabbi Funnye, who attended a similar ceremony at the Whitehouse with President George W. Bush said the difference was “President Obama understands the Israelite Community because he has family members who are Black and Jewish. President Obama understands us because he understands the struggles of people who are marginalized because of their identity.” (Read full article)




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